Have you ever had the privilege to look through old family photos? One of my fondest memories as a child was looking through all the photos my grandparents had kept over the years. I loved seeing photos of family members that had since passed, many whom I never had the pleasure to meet. It was comforting to see where I came from, see who I resembled or who my parents resembled and most of all, thrilling to take a step back into history.
Although my grandparents are no longer alive, I was fortunate to have their photos passed down to me. I am now able to experience these photos again with my children. They have had the privilege to be fascinated by these old photos, see what their great grandparents looked like, their grandparents and even me as a child.
“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.” — Andy Warhol

Just imagine your maternity, newborn or family photos being viewed by family members 50+ years from now. Photos have the power to pass down history and to acknowledge the existence of loved ones and family. There is also something about holding a printed photo, knowing that it was once touched and owned by another family member, turning it into memorabilia.
In several studies and home disaster prep guides, photos are listed among the top 5 things to protect. Even in this digital age, photos are treasured and often irreplaceable.
I encourage you to dig out your old and new family photos, if they aren’t out already and display them on your walls or in a photo album on your coffee table. Share them with your family and friends or take some moments to look through them from time to time. I know that old and new photos always put a smile on my face when I look at them.
“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” ― Andy Bernard
